Helene Syed

Hélene Syed


​​Peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, book reviews


SYED ZWICK, H. and Sazanova, Z. (2022). “Study on labour migrants in three cities of Kazakhstan: Almaty, Astana, and Nur-Sultan“, IOM Kazakhstan, October 2022. Available in English and Russian.

MALAKOOTI, A. and SYED ZWICK, H. (2022). “A methodology for a longitudinal study on reintegration outcomes for returnees“, KNOMAD Paper 45, October 2022.

SYED ZWICK, H. (2022). “Onward migration aspirations and destination preferences of refugees and migrants in Libya: the role of persecution and protection incidents“, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. DOI: 1369183X.2022.2031923.

SYED ZWICK, H. (2022). “Cluster-based industrialisation-skills nexus in Egypt“, Journal of Economic Trends. Available in Arabic.


SYED ZWICK, H. (2021). “Unlocking the potential of returned migrants in South Mediterranean countries through a three-pillar strategy“, COVID-19 MED Policy Brief, No. 20.

MORRAR, R. and SYED ZWICK, H. (2021). “Determinants and wage penalty of qualification mismatches: the case of Palestine”, Journal of Education and Work, 1-14. DOI: 13639080.2021.1943331.

MORRAR, R., AMARA, M. and SYED ZWICK, H. (2021). “The determinants of self-employment entry of Palestinian youth”, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies.

SYED ZWICK, H. (2021). Review of Trilling, D., “Lights in the Distance. Exile and Refuge at the Borders of Europe”, Refuge: Canada’s Journal of Refugees.

SYED ZWICK, H. (2021). “Egyptian students’ disinterest in overseas academic mobility: A behavioural approach based on the capability-opportunity-motivation approach”, Journal of International Students, 11(2).

SYED ZWICK, H. (2021). “Intra-regional Academic Mobility in Central Asia: The Success Story of the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan”, in David Cairns: The Palgrave Handbook of Youth Mobility, chapter 21, 223-234. .


SYED ZWICK, H. (2020). « Le modèle de motivation – opportunité – capacité : Application à la mobilité étudiante régionale en Asie centrale », Journal of International Mobility: Moving for Education, Training and Research, Agence Europe-Education-Formation France, 2019/1(7): 45-68.


SYED ZWICK, H. (2019). “Disintegration of the European asylum systems: A featuring attempt”, Migration Letters, 16(4): 563-573.

SYED ZWICK, H. (2019). “France’s identity crisis: Is migration to blame? A review of three recent French books”, Migration Studies.

SYED ZWICK, H. (2019). Review of Blanchflower, D., “Not working? Where have all the good jobs gone?”, London School of Economics (LSE) Review of books. .

SYED ZWICK, H. (2019). Review of Oubrouk, T. [Appel à la réconciliation: foi musulmane et valeurs de la République française], “Call for reconciliation: Muslim faith and French Republic’s values”, Migration Letters, 16(4): 641-642.

SYED ZWICK, H. (2019). Review of Moix, Y. [Dehors], “Outside”, Migration Letters, 16(1): 123-124.

SYED ZWICK, H. and SYED, S. A. S. (2019). “BitCoin and gold prices: a fledging long-term relationship”, Theoretical Economic Letters, 9(7): 2516-2525.


SYED ZWICK, H. (2018). “Instability and Asymmetric Behaviors of Okun coefficients in the Eurozone: A Markov-Switching Autoregressive Model”, E-journal of International and Comparative Labour studies, 7(3): 3-26. Link.

VUCHKOVA, I., SYED, S. A. S. and SYED ZWICK, H. (2018). “FDI inflows and macroeconomic environment in Macedonia: A breakpoint analysis”, International Journal of Business and Economics, 3(1): 12-18.


SYED ZWICK, H. and SYED, S. A. S. (2017). “Great Recession impact on European labor markets integration: cluster analyses”, International Journal of Manpower, Special Issue on Labor adjustment in the CCA, 38(7): 1016-1035.

SYED ZWICK, H. and SYED, S. A. S. (2017). “The polarization impact of the crisis on the Eurozone labour markets: a hierarchical cluster analysis”, Applied Economics Letters, 24 (7): 472-476.


SYED S. A. S. and SYED ZWICK, H. (2016). “Oil price shocks and the US stock market: Slope heterogeneity analysis”, Theoretical Economic Letters, 36(1): 480-487.

SYED ZWICK, H. and SYED, S. A. S. (2016). “Augmented Okun’s law within the EMU: working-time or employment adjustment? A structural equation model”, Economics Bulletin, 36(1): 440-448. Link.

SYED ZWICK, H. and SYED, S. A. S. (2016). “Why not recruit abroad? Microeconomic evidence from France”, Current Politics and Economics of Europe, 26(4): 509-523.


SYED, S. A. S. and SYED ZWICK, H. (2015). “Convex Phillips Curve explaining Openness and Inflation nexus”, Theoretical Economic Letters, 5(6): 739-748.

SYED ZWICK, H. and SYED, S. A. S. (2015). “The EU Blue Card Scheme: A polarization Vector”, European Economic Letters, 4(1): 30-36.

SYED, S. A. S. and SYED ZWICK, H. (2015). “Expectations or Macroeconomic Innovations: What drives the Stakeholders’ Decisions? Evidence from the Euro Area”, Corporate Ownership and Control Journal, 12(3): 185-190.

SYED ZWICK, H. and SYED, S. A. S. (2015). “Students disinterest for mobility: microeconomic determinants”, Current Politics and Economics of Europe, 26(1): 93-108.


SYED ZWICK, H. and SYED, S. A. S. (2014). “The Erasmus Mobility Impact on Students’ Average Grades: a Double-Difference Analysis”, Brussels Economic Review, 57(4): 425-442.

“Building blocks of a Single European Labour Market”, in The Harnessing European Labour Mobility, European Study, with Bertelsmann Stiftung and Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies (CIFS), p.91, (2014).


SYED ZWICK, H. (2013). “Existe-t-il un profil-type des étudiants désintéressés par la mobilité?”, Journal of International Mobility: Moving for Education, Training and Research, Agence Europe-Education-Formation France, 1(13): 191-205.

“A European industrial strategy based on integration and cooperation”, conference reader in The EU’s New Industrial Policy: Panacea against the Rampant Job Crisis?, jointly written by Bertelsmann Stiftung, Confrontations Europe, and Madariaga, Brussels Think Tank Dialogue, April 22. 2013.

The European Youth Guarantee: smoke and mirrors?”, with Katarina Cirodde and Alexandre Egger, Interface, n°84, Confrontations Europe, March 2013.


SYED ZWICK, H. (2009). “The role of the European Commission in the development of the training-employment relationship”, in Training-Employment: demographic crisis and economic recovery, L’Option, n°27, Confrontations Europe, December 2009, p. 61-72.
